The 2008 Protest in Tibet - A Refugee's Story of the Beatings and Killings
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Peter - Lionheart - Terpstra II
2010-02-08 06:24:54 UTC
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The 2008 Protest in Tibet - A Refugee's Story of the Beatings and Killings
Friday, 29 January 2010 16:00 YC. Dhardhowa and Tony Collier,
The Tibet Post International
Dharamshala: A newly arrived Tibetan woman, Rigzin Dolma, from Karze County
in eastern Tibet, talked about her participation in the peaceful protest on
18 March 2008 and Chinese crackdown. "They were beating people, killing
them. I saw it," said Dolma.
"During the protest Chinese armed military and police personnel killed, by
shooting, and tortured, by beating, many Tibetans. It was unbelievable, but
They were beating people, killing them. I saw it. I became unconscious after
being continuously beaten police batons. When I came to I realized I was
lying in the mud and water with police walking over me so I immediately hid
behind a vehicle. A Tibetan man came and placed his shirt over me.
I managed to escape after hiding from door-to-door and shop-to-shop but it
was not easy. Every roadway and intersection was blocked by the Chinese
military personals. My friends helped me by allowing me to carry their baby,
some food and clothing to give the appearance I was a mother on a journey.
At Takchu Dhabchak bridge the police also held a check-point but did not ask
me for my identity card so I managed to escape from the bridge to Serchu and
Wosang villages. When I arrived at Dzakhok Monastery I heard that one monk
was shot at by the Chinese so I realized I could not safely stay there so I
continued my journey.
2010-02-08 06:31:57 UTC
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Post by Peter - Lionheart - Terpstra II
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